Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Josh Howard is rapidly becoming the player in the NBA, that I hate the most.

Here's a memo to Josh Howard. You are f#$king trash. There are a cadre of players that I absolutely hate in the NBA. Kobe Bryant, Allen Iverson, and now Josh Howard. Recently, he screwed up while being taped during an event by, guess who...Allen Iverson, as the singing the national anthem was going on. He is quoted as saying:

"'The Star Spangled Banner' is going on. I don't celebrate this {expletive}. I'm black"
Check out the ESPN article here. This coupled with him dropping off the US Olympic Team, by saying that it conflicted with his Summer Training Camps. Means that Howard absolutely cares nothing about America. He's just a paid merc, playing basketball. Being black has nothing to do with being patriotic. If he doesn't like this country, I can think of several hard working people who actually live in Africa that we would trade his sorry ass for.
This is no surprise as a player coming from Wake Forrest, one of the most liberal schools in the nation. I don't think that they probably teach American History without talking about what a crappy country this is.
Allen Iverson can think that he's the best player on the floor and think he should be excluded from things, but I haven't ever heard him say something so discouraging against America. I know several people who see no point in singing the national anthem before sporting events. These people usually just state their opinion to get it off their chest, but respect or leave the event while it's going on. I would like to know what else Josh Howard thinks he's excluded from just by being black? Obviously he thinks that he can smoke weed whenever he wants, because "he's black" right? There is a word for Josh Howard, it was popularized by Chris Rock. Josh Howard, is a nigger in every sense of the way Rock explains it. Because, just remember....He's black.


Jeff S. said...

Grandpa Terence, I've read your blog in the past and have refrained from commenting, but I gotta chime in on this one. When are you going to learn not to use that word? You calling Howard a "nigger" is as much a sign of a lack of progress as Howard not wanting to participate in the National Anthem. You were just joking (like Chris Rock)? Who is to say that Howard wasn't joking as well?

You call him F&$*ing trash for comments that you percieve as racist. But your entire blog entry comes across as equally racist.

Matthew 7:3-5

Choda said...

Ditto what tbone said. My argument with this entry was that Josh Howard seems to be bucking the system right? I thought you were all for this sort of stuff. The man says that during the National Anthem you should sing along and enjoy it but he is going against the man. Hmmm.

Spacecat Power said...

I call him trash, because he doesn't know when to shut the hell up! To many people, the national anthem is sacred. Now, you can have your opinion, and you can fight for it, but disrespecting it is whole other thing. I don't like the religion of Islam, but I'm not about go and piss on a mosque. There's nothing racist about it.
The way Chris Rock uses it and describes it is a black who is ghettoishly ignorant. That's all Howard is. He's just a thug.
That's just the thing, The Man doesn't say you HAVE to go and sing along and like it. The whole concept of this nation is that you don't have to do it. That in and of itself does mean that you should respect it. He's just behaving like some petulant child. Also, I don't think any sports star has the right to "go against the man" at that point. They're getting paid millions of dollars to play a damn game. You lose your bitching rights at that point.