Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My newest facination...

I have the following fascination going on...
...I'm fascinated by Roller Derby.

While talking with a co-worker, he said that he went to a Roller Derby match. Now, my only experience with Roller Derby is that, it was on after American Gladiators on Saturday mornings when I was a kid. It always kind of reminded me of a bad action movie, and we all know how I love bad movies.
I checked out their web site at What I found there, was a ton of pictures of people whom I just don't know if I want to m
eet in real life. These are my highlights overall... First, there's the awesomest name ever...

This is "Chase'n Tail". Now, first of all, this name alone gives +50 gay points. This moderate looking Minnesota house wife, is probably a dyed in the wool lesbian. I'm imagining that, as the name suggests, she comes from behind and pounds her opponent again, and again.

Now, this is "Romper Stomper". Besides sounding like a grade A cock block, this lady definitely looks like she brings The Law and breaks up anything, including the other team!

Here we have some one I just added for my friend, Annie. This is "Red Bare N' Ass". I have no idea where to begin on this one. I can't fathom the attitude that this lady has. It conjures of images of her being at IHOP, and not getting enough butter for her pancakes. She then goes into a seething rage, and drops elbows on everyone of the patrons, stealing their butter.

This is "Iron Rack". Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't having hard boobs a bad thing!? I know that I probably wouldn't be intimidated by someone having breast cancer. Unless I was using that handicapped stall in the bathroom, and got busted (because it's the only stall the damn nerds don't go into and whiz all over the seat, because they cannot pee in a urinal).

This is "Dirty Pirate Hooker". I can't help but think that these nicknames were either came up by some trashy girl, or some dirty old man overseeing the league. I picture this man wearing overalls, sitting in a box seat and drinking moonshine. I'm certain this lady is one of those girls that always tries to show up her girlfriends by belittling them in front of any man. I'm also picturing that she has rooms painted in a power red color.

I've decided that I HAVE to go to a game. I almost even want to pick a player, get poster board, and make a cheesy sign. It would even want me to break out and have a beer, and really slum it up. This is the next thing I have to go and see. The next, is midget wrestling, which has always been on my list, but I haven't been able to go. It's events like these that are life growing experiences, and I'm wanting to live life a little...

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