Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dissention in the ranks!

Here's a conversation topic I like to hit on every once and while. Yesterday, I referred to Josh Howard and called him the dreaded "N word". This actually got some attention from some friends, some of whom commented on the post. I've been called everything from ignorant, to racist, and so on. Which I am not. Being a racist, is someone who hates everything about a particular race or creed. I have no such distinction.
Here's what most people don't understand. When people hear the word stereotype, they automatically equate it with the word racist. This is not the case. In fact, if you take an intro to psychology course. They will spend two whole weeks explaining that stereotypes are human nature and do not have "intent" bred into them. Now, most terms have been used to express racist ideas, which isn't the case. However, stereotypes are how we define people. Our brains, which are organizing machines, to a certain extent always pick something out and tag it. If you have a friend who's got a bum leg, what do you call him? Probably "gimp" or something like that. If you've got a friend with a big nose, it's "Pinocchio".
So, if there are any group traits, let's say. Live in the hood, wear your pants to your ankles, the only thing you think about is getting laid, and all you can talk about is how much gold chains and being rich you'll be, while smoking weed and just playing Madden '09, while complaining about being black. Then, that's a nigger. A gang banging thug who does nothing with his life. Just as a guy who is always a penny pincher, thinks that he belongs to the one true people of god and looks down on others, and is exclusive with whom he is with, and he's Jewish. That's a kike.
People over use terms like racist and prejudiced, just as much as racists over use derogatory terms. Stereotypes are just a way to paraphrase behavior characteristics. Nothing more. We need to get over all the guilt that the media and the left have been giving about simple words. People will argue that they hurt peoples feelings and get offended. My answer is this, do you get offended at the word "asshole" or "bastard"? If I say "asshole" or "bastard" to someone other than you, do take offense? Using the N word or any other term is just the same way. You are referring to traits or tendencies that you do not like. If we're in the business of purging all these words from the English lexicon, then let's just cut off our sex organs and become robots...because that's the way society will be going, the way of non-descriptive words...

1 comment:

Choda said...

If a person were white and wore his pants around his ankles, played madden 09 all day, smoked weed and bitched about being white... What would you call him?