Wednesday, October 22, 2008

For those of you who know, or don't know Brice...

For those of you who know, or don't know Brice. I'm gonna plagiarize a bit. This was an e-mail he sent to me, that was a damn good rant, and I even echo some of the sentiments to many extent. Here you go:

"I heard something on CNN that just kind of made me mad. No, it wasn't
a liberal talking head in a suit... it was a regular schmoe they found
in an airport terminal or something. Some lady in her 40's probably.
She said "I want to know what happened to my life! Who's responsible?
I want my life back before the crash of the economy, and the 'Iraqi'
war!" I liked the little bit about calling it the 'Iraqi war" but I
mean. I'll tell you who's to blame... and I hate to say it because it
sounds deceptively like I'm one of those 'blame America' and 'America
haters' but... it's 'progressive' American culture, that's who's to
blame. That's what ruined her perfect little life. Not the culture of true blue
real life hard working Americans, but all this new shit people are saying about
'need' and 'opportunity' and 'change' and this and that. It's people
who think that their 'need' comes before their duty to work and
deserve. People who think that their 'need' entitles them to take now, and pay
later-but probably never. People who think that a good 'change' would
be to give a poor dude a house that he can never afford because he
seems to need it. It's good for everyone, right? Why hasn't anyone
brought up that a lot of the blame for this financial mess in housing comes from that practice? Bleeding hearts want to give everyone a house they can't afford because they
'need' it... maybe they knew it would happen, and benefit them financially... maybe they did it
out of naivete, but it's a certain ideology that's bankrupted so much
of the country.

Is the war in Iraq
really that stressing on people? As far as I can tell it's the war
that's affected the American citizens the least of any in our history.
Or since I deployed has something changed like they're rationing
food, rubber, and ore? Are women working in garages riveting fighter
planes together? Are people being forced to purchase war bonds? Are
Islamic radicals blowing things up in America? So far it seems like
their resources are sapped and they're forced to operate in lower Asia
and Europe at the farthest.

That lady pissed me off. "Who's to blame!" she asks the cameraman, while
she's sitting in the food court sipping her $10 latte. She talks about it
like some mysterious spooky ghosts are behind the troubles of the nation.
I'll tell you what... Jay-zee and I.T. and Home-Dawg sure don't look
like they're poor and suffering. They're getting new diamond teeth
every weekend, and they have three of those a week, so our economy
can't be that bad. I suspect our society is just misguided. People need
to stop bitching, and start moving. If we all worked half as hard as
we threw blame, we'd be good to go. The end."

This is all pearls of wisdom from our good friend Brice. I agree with him in many ways. An America that can actually care what Paris Hilton and other celebs do with their time, and don't have to work all day just to buy a loaf of bread, have no right to complain. The world is pretty good for them. Unfortunately Americans are quick to judge and easily forget.

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