Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Uh Oh! A little trouble with purchases...

A quick post. While doing my work day web surfing, I came up with something that I might want to purchase and wear. I found a place that does custom made contact lenses. Here is a picture of the ones that I want...I would rock these things on days other than Halloween. I was going to work it into a Halloween costume, but it would cost me about $200 to complete. With Halloween coming though, this does bring up a good point. What would you do if you could put together any costume you could?
Personally, I'd go full on Wookie costume from Star Wars. Because, everyone loves a Wookie! Or, some wicked looking demon costume...
So, let's hear from ya. What costume would you wear?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dissention in the ranks!

Here's a conversation topic I like to hit on every once and while. Yesterday, I referred to Josh Howard and called him the dreaded "N word". This actually got some attention from some friends, some of whom commented on the post. I've been called everything from ignorant, to racist, and so on. Which I am not. Being a racist, is someone who hates everything about a particular race or creed. I have no such distinction.
Here's what most people don't understand. When people hear the word stereotype, they automatically equate it with the word racist. This is not the case. In fact, if you take an intro to psychology course. They will spend two whole weeks explaining that stereotypes are human nature and do not have "intent" bred into them. Now, most terms have been used to express racist ideas, which isn't the case. However, stereotypes are how we define people. Our brains, which are organizing machines, to a certain extent always pick something out and tag it. If you have a friend who's got a bum leg, what do you call him? Probably "gimp" or something like that. If you've got a friend with a big nose, it's "Pinocchio".
So, if there are any group traits, let's say. Live in the hood, wear your pants to your ankles, the only thing you think about is getting laid, and all you can talk about is how much gold chains and being rich you'll be, while smoking weed and just playing Madden '09, while complaining about being black. Then, that's a nigger. A gang banging thug who does nothing with his life. Just as a guy who is always a penny pincher, thinks that he belongs to the one true people of god and looks down on others, and is exclusive with whom he is with, and he's Jewish. That's a kike.
People over use terms like racist and prejudiced, just as much as racists over use derogatory terms. Stereotypes are just a way to paraphrase behavior characteristics. Nothing more. We need to get over all the guilt that the media and the left have been giving about simple words. People will argue that they hurt peoples feelings and get offended. My answer is this, do you get offended at the word "asshole" or "bastard"? If I say "asshole" or "bastard" to someone other than you, do take offense? Using the N word or any other term is just the same way. You are referring to traits or tendencies that you do not like. If we're in the business of purging all these words from the English lexicon, then let's just cut off our sex organs and become robots...because that's the way society will be going, the way of non-descriptive words...

Josh Howard is rapidly becoming the player in the NBA, that I hate the most.

Here's a memo to Josh Howard. You are f#$king trash. There are a cadre of players that I absolutely hate in the NBA. Kobe Bryant, Allen Iverson, and now Josh Howard. Recently, he screwed up while being taped during an event by, guess who...Allen Iverson, as the singing the national anthem was going on. He is quoted as saying:

"'The Star Spangled Banner' is going on. I don't celebrate this {expletive}. I'm black"
Check out the ESPN article here. This coupled with him dropping off the US Olympic Team, by saying that it conflicted with his Summer Training Camps. Means that Howard absolutely cares nothing about America. He's just a paid merc, playing basketball. Being black has nothing to do with being patriotic. If he doesn't like this country, I can think of several hard working people who actually live in Africa that we would trade his sorry ass for.
This is no surprise as a player coming from Wake Forrest, one of the most liberal schools in the nation. I don't think that they probably teach American History without talking about what a crappy country this is.
Allen Iverson can think that he's the best player on the floor and think he should be excluded from things, but I haven't ever heard him say something so discouraging against America. I know several people who see no point in singing the national anthem before sporting events. These people usually just state their opinion to get it off their chest, but respect or leave the event while it's going on. I would like to know what else Josh Howard thinks he's excluded from just by being black? Obviously he thinks that he can smoke weed whenever he wants, because "he's black" right? There is a word for Josh Howard, it was popularized by Chris Rock. Josh Howard, is a nigger in every sense of the way Rock explains it. Because, just remember....He's black.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The high cost of patriarchal religions...

The High Cost of Patriarchal Religions...

Today, I read an article talking about Iraq and militants. You can check out the article here. Reuters is one of the few news sources that I broadly trust. They are usually staffed with good writers who know their stuff. This article talks about how women in Iraq, are relegated and forgotten so they are targeted by militants to blow themselves up, basically.
This emphasises one of points that I don't think is talked about enough. Now, granted I grew up far more liberally in the LDS faith than most. I came from divorced parents, from a single mother home. My mother liked learning and went to school. My mother never was the sub-servient type. This brings up an important point, one that I will struggle with always. Lack of education and bending to the will of the man, will always be a big problem.
The main issue is with education though. Early on, LDS women have this perception of being taken care of. Even to the point that they don't have to think. The only thing that they have to concentrate on is pumping out children. A perception that I find particularly annoying, which probably has contributed to the fact that I am not married.
It's not a far stretch to think that provided some external circumstances (like a spouse or family dying), that it would drive them to blow up building, provided enough stimulus. I can think of several house wives that losing their family could easily be pushed that way by some in a religious community.
So, what does one need to do to avoid this? I think educating is the best tool to use. The church has informed young women to get an education, but how much is this actually practiced? Granted, I haven't really been dating a whole lot recently, but women still have this perception of being "taken care of". I was recently talking to a friend on why she wouldn't give us shorter guys in the world a chance, and she gave the notion that "I just need to feel protected, and that he's in charge". When did we get to the point that it was required? Even if you believe in things like biological social theory. The women in the animal kingdom always exercise control. They sometimes are the ones that hunt. They usually have nothing to do with the father after child birth. The man is only in control or involved in sexual reproduction. When did human society error on this?
I chalk it all up to laziness. It's far easier to make someone make a choice for you, than to make it yourself, and struggle with the consequences and making concessions with decisions available. So, in short, a sad story that is easily remedied.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Practical joke for the month...

Now, I'm not a fan of recognition. Me personally, I think it's worthless and as pointless and a small dog wearing a sweater. However, corporations love recognition and awards. Here's my practical joke at work. I have a pretty good working relationship with the management above me, so when the annual hall of fame (called "Wall of Shame", by yours truly) e-mail came around. I thought of doing something to mess with the process.
Everyone has that guy at work, who thinks they know everything, is socially retarded, and is generally a pain to be around. I decided to rig the vote. Here's the deal. Whomever gets the Wall of Fame vote must then go to lunch with management and talk about stuff. Of course, this forces them to go to lunch and listen to him run his mouth. The mental image of my immediate superiors having to go to lunch with him is hilarious, in and of itself. There's a bonus though. His nemesis is having to go on this trip with them.
I started sending out several instant messages trying to rig the election, and so far I think I've got all my co-workers on board. Only a handful know the true motives behind it all... Now, I know what you're thinking. It's a damn shame that someone who deserves to be recognized won't because of my little gag. The simple fact, is that I don't care! This will keep me going for the rest of the month. I can't keep some asshole out of the white house, so this is my way of fighting the man. So, call it what you will, but I love a good joke...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Student Auctions Virginity

I've actually read an article while going through Reuters about a girl auctioning her virginity on-line. You can find the article here. To paraphrase it, the girl is selling it to pay for schooling. Apparently, it's sparked some debate from people on line.
I had to think about it some. Would I really have a problem with someone pimping themselves out to pay for education? Mostly, I'd say no. Because, people have been pimping themselves out in some way or another for all of human civilization. I am torn though that there is some lower 20 something girl that feels that she has to do this.
What mostly made me mad was that all the comments of people trying to say how horrible this was, were from people who were actually in the high education (professors, aids, etc)!? What the hell people? Are people in higher education so out of touch that they realize that they are selling a service that over priced, and over valued? Now, granted I do have some biases. Namely, I'm SO dissillusioned with higher education, that it's not funny. It's my own personal opinion, that it's a racket. We're sold this idea, as early as elementary, that we must have a college degree and about how good college is. I can honestly say that college is worthless. You retain only about 30% of what you learn. You do have enough time to delve into skills that can help you out in a job role, but overall it's not worth the price one pays.
Then, I started to get into it. According to the article:

"The woman, who has earned a bachelor degree in women's studies and now wants to start a master's degree in marriage and family therapy, is hoping the bidding will hit $1 million."

Now, I don't know about you guys, but I've known some of the girls who went into Women's studies, and they were either A) Lesbians, B) Had more meat on them than an NFL linebacker, or C) One who hasn't had any hair product for 10 years. So, why would anyone want to buy this? The answer is simple, there are a bunch of wierdos out there. This makes me wonder, how much would I sell my virginity for? (Quiet from the peanut gallery, I know you people are snickering.) The only answer I could come up with is, at a minimum $250.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My newest facination...

I have the following fascination going on...
...I'm fascinated by Roller Derby.

While talking with a co-worker, he said that he went to a Roller Derby match. Now, my only experience with Roller Derby is that, it was on after American Gladiators on Saturday mornings when I was a kid. It always kind of reminded me of a bad action movie, and we all know how I love bad movies.
I checked out their web site at What I found there, was a ton of pictures of people whom I just don't know if I want to m
eet in real life. These are my highlights overall... First, there's the awesomest name ever...

This is "Chase'n Tail". Now, first of all, this name alone gives +50 gay points. This moderate looking Minnesota house wife, is probably a dyed in the wool lesbian. I'm imagining that, as the name suggests, she comes from behind and pounds her opponent again, and again.

Now, this is "Romper Stomper". Besides sounding like a grade A cock block, this lady definitely looks like she brings The Law and breaks up anything, including the other team!

Here we have some one I just added for my friend, Annie. This is "Red Bare N' Ass". I have no idea where to begin on this one. I can't fathom the attitude that this lady has. It conjures of images of her being at IHOP, and not getting enough butter for her pancakes. She then goes into a seething rage, and drops elbows on everyone of the patrons, stealing their butter.

This is "Iron Rack". Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't having hard boobs a bad thing!? I know that I probably wouldn't be intimidated by someone having breast cancer. Unless I was using that handicapped stall in the bathroom, and got busted (because it's the only stall the damn nerds don't go into and whiz all over the seat, because they cannot pee in a urinal).

This is "Dirty Pirate Hooker". I can't help but think that these nicknames were either came up by some trashy girl, or some dirty old man overseeing the league. I picture this man wearing overalls, sitting in a box seat and drinking moonshine. I'm certain this lady is one of those girls that always tries to show up her girlfriends by belittling them in front of any man. I'm also picturing that she has rooms painted in a power red color.

I've decided that I HAVE to go to a game. I almost even want to pick a player, get poster board, and make a cheesy sign. It would even want me to break out and have a beer, and really slum it up. This is the next thing I have to go and see. The next, is midget wrestling, which has always been on my list, but I haven't been able to go. It's events like these that are life growing experiences, and I'm wanting to live life a little...

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's finally official...

It's now official...
...The BCS sucks ass.

The BCS sucks more ass than a gay guy at a leather bondage festival. This case in point, I watched several games this week. Much of the teams in the top 10. Here's the newest breakdown.

1) USC
2) Georgia
3) Oklahoma
4) Florida
5) Ohio State
6) Missouri
7) LSU
8) Texas
9) Auburn
10) Wisconsin

Ohio State was #3 previously. The only reason that they slipped is because they struggled in a game against Ohio. Ohio State did end up winning the game handedly. On the other hand, Oklahoma and Florida beat the pants off their opponents. This makes the BCS entirely even more subjective than in years past. The pollsters are injecting injury projections into the rankings. If Beanie Wells (RB, Ohio State) hadn't gone down in the season opener, they probably wouldn't have dropped.

For all you out there, and non-college football fans. This represents a problem for BYU. BYU slipped from #15 to #18 based on their performance against a Washington team that will probably be at the bottom of the PAC-10. At the same time, Utah (which struggled in the first half, but came out in the second, didn't move spots). This just goes to show how crappy and suggestive rankings are. Especially from sports writers. I used to think that Network Administrators were the most arrogant people in the world, but now I think it's sports writers. Soon, the Spacecat will be launching a e-bomb campaign for the BCS, which is the most corrupt system on the planet.... Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The relationship discussion...

Today, there is something that all you who know me, I'd like to get your feedback on. That is relationships. The truth is, I really don't get them. I understand them on a physical/biological need, but I don't understand them as they pertain to the LDS faith. This talk was sparked when I speaking to a very good friend of mine. He related the story of a mutual friend of ours. This mutual friend, ended up marrying a woman who, let's just say, none of us would have imagined him with. In fact, the words "Batshit insane" and "crazy woman" are often referred to a lot of with her.

His story is this, his wife ended up sparking an infatuation with a councilor of their Bishopric. The plan/fascination progressed to the point that they had planned to run away together and make babies. However, the guy didn't want to go through with it and thus our friend is left with an unfaithful wife, who had to come clean about everything. Here's the crux to it. Naturally, you'd think to yourself "What a whore, I can't stand her!". However, there's some back story here. It turns out that he is sterile, and can't have children, and they have been unable to adopt. So, what do you do in an LDS society that preaches that being a parent is the paramount responsibility for married people?

I realize that it's not excuse, but human side of me that understands motivations and societies as whole, can understand why she was driven to such measures. There are women who their whole lives have driven this "you have to be mother" notion into them, and trying to reconcile that they might not be able to, is probably a problem insurmountable to them. How much does "motherhood" affect your relationships? These are questions that I cannot answer.

Then, we break it down to this. I've usually never liked the girls that my friends pick out to be in a relationship with. I can only think of maybe one or two, that I thought were decent girls that live up to their potential. So, are the laws of attraction biological? Then, you break it down this way. After cataloging most of the women I have dated. Almost 75% of them are petite brown or black haired girls of UK, or Northern European descent. Which, actually, I am usually not attracted to. So, how can we understand or break down our decisions? How can we trust who we marry if it's determined so much by our biology?

Now, I understand certain kinds of attraction. There are some that just don't make sense. Like my friend Jeffery's attraction to black girls. James' attraction to older women, with kids. I have a strange attraction to Alicia Keys, that Flo girl from the Progressive ads, and an unhealthy obsession with Erin Andrews (I'm dead serious, I've found myself watching pointless games that I normally wouldn't watch, just because she's on the sidelines). So, how do you manage life when those attractions, that don't make sense, evolve into marriage? Because, in all those relationships, they always end up the same way (at least for me), where one of the parties thinks to themselves "What was I thinking!?" What if you were stuck in a marriage like that?

I think we need to approach relationships differently. Too much thinking goes on with the heart or the privates, and not with your brain. Either that, or we need to change how we commit. If you marry someone, stay married to them through thick and thin, just like they did in the good old days. Even if they hated the person later on, never fight in front of the kids, and one of you sleep on the floor and another in the bed or the Couch. Without the kids knowing, of course. This is a simple solution that fixes some of the society problems we now face. Either that or an honest, and dissected analytical analysis of the people who we are attracted to and might want to marry needs to be done. On a side note, that mutual friend of mine, did decide to stick it out with his wife and work through the problem. God bless him! Please give him your prayers, and all the people struggling with unfaithful life partners. If you see me out there, give me or comments, or post them... I'd love to hear from you.