Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What I would really want to vote for!

Now, I really don't pay attention to most politics. Personally, I think almost all politicians are just career men who don't really want to do anything for the betterment of the country. Most of them are greedy pond scum who I wouldn't want to watch over my children (if I had any) or any of the kids I know. I'll make an honest admission to you all, what I really want, is social unrest.

This conversation started when some friends and I were actually talking about political stuff. In following what political stuff I do, all the candidates left; Obama, McCain, Clinton, all scare the shit out of me. In Obama, you've got a man who personally believes that America should be persecuted in a way. I mean, the man has had to leave 2 churches for their speech on American policy. That's what happens when you get some of the Baptist view in ya. Most men in his predicament believe that America deserves to be damned, and he's the man to save it.
McCain is just some of the same old, same old. He's a career politician, and has enough special interest and pressure in his life to keep everything the same. Yes, he was a POW. Yes, he has been in the system for 20 + years. There in lies the problem, he's been in the system too much.
Mrs. Clinton, I don't know where to begin. Personally, if she gets elected, I'll fear for my life, well-being and my penis. Most women I know, don't believe that a woman should be in office. The argument I've always heard is that women make emotional decisions and that's not a clear and decise way for a commander in chief.
Overall, I think the whole political system needs a re-haul and that we need to elect people who will change the system. Unfortunately your average American doesn't care. If it's not about American Idol, or reality TV, or Paris Hilton, or Celebrities, they just don't care. The only thing we respond to is over the top expressionism. Things that challenge the American mindset. Unfortunately, that is violence or service disruption. Would it get the American peoples attention if you stopped them from getting Gas for a week or if you interrupted their TV services. It's unfortunate, but we have to resort to the extreme to get a situation handled. So, if we want to get anything done in America. Let's pull people out of the TV relay station and blow it the hell up. That way, maybe someone will give a damn what happens in their country.
Most people weren't aware that I am such an extremist. However, I am rather tired of American complacency. The last time I heard people talk passionately was right after 9/11. It's a sad state of affairs if we keep having to have tragedies befall for people to pay attention to the world around them.

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