Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The internet is a dangerous place for Terence...

The Internet is a very dangerous place, for Terence...

I recently have been purchasing a few odds and ends on line. I was never a big Internet shopper, but I have begun to change my tune. Now, I have never been a fan of mass mailing lists in e-mail. In fact, I thought it was the most inefficient way of selling things. I never clicked on those e-mails from the sites that I purchased "that one thing, that one time". However, I got an e-mail from I discovered Zappos because of a friend. She bought some KangaRoos a few years ago, and I had to know where she got them. Coincidentally, this is before they became too mainstream again. I bought some Roos. I have to say, those shoes were the most kick ass ones I own, and I still have them and just bust them out on limited occasions. This was about 4 years ago.

Enter 2008, I bought some new DC shoes and wondered if I got ripped off. While surfing through some of the skate shoes and things, I noticed these little gems...

Now, many of you probably don't understand the coolness of it, but Iron Maiden was one of the coolest bands ever. This was back when metal was metal. Now, I got sick of the ass rock a few years ago, and I can't stand anything really old. However, I would still and still should, listen to Iron Maiden. Their front man, Bruce Dickinson, had one of their more popular songs that was entirely sung from Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner (popular poem from Samuel Taylor Coleridge). Bruce Dickinson was a master of lyrics, and they were pretty heady, and classical at the time. Lyrical content of

"The body bags and littered rags, of children torn in two, and the jellied brains of those who remain to put their finger right on you. As the madmen play on words that make us all dance to their song. To the tune of starving millions to make a better kind of gun!"

This was the emphasis of discontent with the government at the time. So, to celebrate the purchase that I had such a hard time resisting, the following are two Iron Maiden videos circa, the 1980's. The big hair, the torn t-shirts, the crazy camera glances, you have to love it.

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