Monday, June 9, 2008

One of the signs of the Apocalypse!

One of the signs of the Apocalypse is upon us...

While frequenting a movie rental location, I and some close friends decided to rent a movie. Now, most people know I'm LDS, but I really don't like LDS movies. It's my personal believe that any movie focusing on a specific religion or caters to it, is profiteering and overall the worst quality of movies that I can't stand it. One just has to think of Kirk Cameron and his baptist movies to agree. Please look at the following evidence...

However, this ranks right up there. We were bored and wanted to watch a bad movie, so we tried to find "Passage to Zarahemla". The movie that looks so bad, that even old school prophets would probably wash their hands of it's making. I'm half way expecting an end credit thanks to the Davis High School Drama Department. Here's the thing, IT WAS ALL RENTED OUT. I went to Blockbuster, checked Red Box, checked even the local haunts, and nothing. What this eludes me to is one thing, that there are either A) about 50 really cool people who thought the same thing I did; to see the movie and make more fun of it than a monkey throwing his crap at a handicapped kid. Or B) there are about 50 really lame people in Davis County with no movie taste.

I mean with a tag line of "Some secrets whisper from the dust, some thunder", how can you go wrong with that comedic gold!? However, I was left to our own devices, so instead of watching a crappy movie about a church topic. I was left to watch a movie about a woman who has teeth in her woman bits. Read about the condition here

This leads me to one conclusion. That I am not provided with ample enough opportunity to do the right thing! I would have rented the crappy churchy movie, but that wasn't available, so I turned to the sin and degradation that is the movie "Teeth". There's an important life lesson there. Unless I'm always in church making fun of the stupid crap that goes on, I'm probably going to be sinning. The one good thing about religion, that is by the grace of the almighty that I'll be saved, and that's the one good thing to take out of it all...


R* said...

wow, random. i read another girl's blog, and.... well, read it and weep:

my favorite quote:
I don't hate this movie, it's not making me want to kill myself like Baptists at my BBQ"
"Oh wait, now it's making me want to kill myself."

Spacecat Power said...

Coincidentally, I read the review, and I did like that she mentioned Troll 2. Which I have recently watched! Awesome!