Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I should start a movie company...

I have decided that I should start a movie company. There are tons of good foreign flicks who don't get imported to America because of distribution. Take this gem that I received info from, thanks Choda! It's a Korean flick called the The Good, The Bad, The Weird.


What makes me sad, is that this movie doesn't have a US distributor, and I really want to see it. Definitely it pays homage to the old Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns of the 60's and 70's. What kid doesn't remember sitting with his Dad or Grandpa watching The Outlaw Josie Whales, or For a Few Dollars More? This is right along with those, except with Asians and kung fu! It's totally the best of BOTH worlds! Plus, it seems like a hella funny movie.

Koreans are getting their stuff together, if I like this movie at all, coupled with the great feelings I have towards The Host. I think that I might actually prefer Korean cinema. This goes to show you a trend over the past couple of years. Farming out work to Korea. Most American and Japanese studios already farm out their coloring work and background work typically to Korea. Some of them are farming out the animation and other things as well. Korea itself is prospering cinematically by this. They are coming out with great plots and directors with real vision, as opposed to most American directors. Now I realize that we're probably dealing with the cream of the crop that pop up in foreign imported cinema. However, you can't think but marvel from some of the directors/producers that make the jump, like Guillermo Del Toro. Most of these guys won't be invited to a Hollywood premiere or get the recognition they deserve, but they are the heart of what film is all about. People who think differently, and don't produce dribble.

So, I'm starting it right now! Does anyone have any extra millions of dollars that I can use to start said company? Start digging in your couches looking for change, because I'll probably be hitting you up for some in the near future. Don't hold out either! Change... CHHAAANNGGG!

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