Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A little bit of the history.

I get made fun of quite often about how I don't talk about my parents or my childhood. The main reason is this. If most people knew about my childhood, I'd probably be committed. I don't want to be one of those whiny kids from single parent homes, but growing up and being raised by a single mother in the 80's, was insanely hard. I've thought about doing something therapeutic, and it's come to my mind to write a book. The following is the forward of that book...

I wake up. It must be about 3 am. Mom is right next to me. Most kids my age wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same bed as their Mom. Only, we don’t sleep in a bed, but on a couch. Our place isn’t really big. I can see our cat Prissy asleep on the back of the couch. I really don’t want to be here. Which I know is what I shouldn’t be feeling, but I can’t help it.

I guess to know why, we have to go back and tell a little story. This story all begins when my Father met my Mother. Monte Smith was a local boy from Tremonton, a farming community in northern Utah. Barbara Wood was from the same town. I wish I could add in a poetic notion of them being High School sweethearts, but that isn’t this type of story. Monte was the first of 10 children, and he found out (like most local farm boys do) the wonders of drinking at an early age. Monte’s parents, Albert L “Smitty” and Vida Smith, were hard working farm folk. Smitty had a construction company and worked long, and hard hours. They had a farm, raised horses, it was the perfect country up bringing. However, Monte like many kids, didn’t get along exactly too well with his father.

Barbara Wood was a quiet and shy girl. Her parents had owned an unsuccessful farm, and eventually had to sell it. Her parents Verle and Doris Wood, were some quiet people who kept to themselves most of the time. Barbara was a quiet child. It goes without saying when Verle and Doris’ marriage was on the rocks most of the time. Verle kept a local girlfriend that he would hang out with at the local bar. Doris found this rather bothersome and kept to herself most of the time, completely leaving Barbara in her own world, to sort everything out herself.

I also wish I could say that my parents met at a romantic spot, and that there was a story about it that was sweet and beautiful. However, my parents never told me about how they met or why. In fact, any questions about such a subject were usually diverted and avoided. This conjured images in my teenage mind later, about drunken parties or meeting in a bar, or even more illicit behavior. When all was said and done, Monte Smith and Barbara Wood were married in the 70’s. Later, I came along and life would never be the same for the two of them again.

I often used to imagine if time travel was invented, I’d try to go back and tell them.

“Barbara and Monte, you’re going to be making the worst mistake of your lives. Do something else with your lives. Be something different, do something different.”

My first memory was of a birthday party. Mom was married to a man named Bob. Bob was Mom’s second husband, although I never heard her refer to him as such. I can remember getting a walking AT-AT from the movie The Empire Strikes Back. I remember playing with it in Mom and I’s room, a two bed guest room in Bob’s house. There were a lot of kids that I didn’t know, neighbors, local kids, a huge amount of people. There were a lot of awkward glances, contorted faces, and other displays of human social paranoia. Eventually, I got sick of it, and just ended up in my room.

Bob’s house was a quasi-farm in the middle of Farmington. Early in the morning, the rooster would crow, and we’d wake up to fresh eggs that would have to be collected from the small chicken coop in the back yard. I spent many a morning gathering eggs. I had never seen chickens before. I didn’t like them too much, they’d peck and annoy my young hands. Bob lived downstairs while Mom and I lived upstairs. Mom used to tell me…

“Terence, never go downstairs without me. We only stay upstairs”

“Alright Mom” I would answer, “I won’t go downstairs”

However, little boys rarely mean what they say. I can remember downstairs was always dark. It was mysterious, like it was some other dimension. I was always terrified of the downstairs rooms. I always had a dark feeling in the hallows of my soul. I would feel icy fingers feel like they were wrapping around my whole body. Later in life, we would find out that Bob would be accused of sexual abuse from some of the children from his first marriage. Mother always wondered and worried if anything went on in those short lived days of being married to Bob.

This is just a little bit of the things that have gone on in my childhood. I hope to complete this book sometime, and maybe give a voice to a lot of those kids growing up in LDS communities and showing how Life, The Church, and how children growing up in single parent homes worked in our own little Utah.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The internet is a dangerous place for Terence...

The Internet is a very dangerous place, for Terence...

I recently have been purchasing a few odds and ends on line. I was never a big Internet shopper, but I have begun to change my tune. Now, I have never been a fan of mass mailing lists in e-mail. In fact, I thought it was the most inefficient way of selling things. I never clicked on those e-mails from the sites that I purchased "that one thing, that one time". However, I got an e-mail from I discovered Zappos because of a friend. She bought some KangaRoos a few years ago, and I had to know where she got them. Coincidentally, this is before they became too mainstream again. I bought some Roos. I have to say, those shoes were the most kick ass ones I own, and I still have them and just bust them out on limited occasions. This was about 4 years ago.

Enter 2008, I bought some new DC shoes and wondered if I got ripped off. While surfing through some of the skate shoes and things, I noticed these little gems...

Now, many of you probably don't understand the coolness of it, but Iron Maiden was one of the coolest bands ever. This was back when metal was metal. Now, I got sick of the ass rock a few years ago, and I can't stand anything really old. However, I would still and still should, listen to Iron Maiden. Their front man, Bruce Dickinson, had one of their more popular songs that was entirely sung from Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner (popular poem from Samuel Taylor Coleridge). Bruce Dickinson was a master of lyrics, and they were pretty heady, and classical at the time. Lyrical content of

"The body bags and littered rags, of children torn in two, and the jellied brains of those who remain to put their finger right on you. As the madmen play on words that make us all dance to their song. To the tune of starving millions to make a better kind of gun!"

This was the emphasis of discontent with the government at the time. So, to celebrate the purchase that I had such a hard time resisting, the following are two Iron Maiden videos circa, the 1980's. The big hair, the torn t-shirts, the crazy camera glances, you have to love it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

One of the signs of the Apocalypse!

One of the signs of the Apocalypse is upon us...

While frequenting a movie rental location, I and some close friends decided to rent a movie. Now, most people know I'm LDS, but I really don't like LDS movies. It's my personal believe that any movie focusing on a specific religion or caters to it, is profiteering and overall the worst quality of movies that I can't stand it. One just has to think of Kirk Cameron and his baptist movies to agree. Please look at the following evidence...

However, this ranks right up there. We were bored and wanted to watch a bad movie, so we tried to find "Passage to Zarahemla". The movie that looks so bad, that even old school prophets would probably wash their hands of it's making. I'm half way expecting an end credit thanks to the Davis High School Drama Department. Here's the thing, IT WAS ALL RENTED OUT. I went to Blockbuster, checked Red Box, checked even the local haunts, and nothing. What this eludes me to is one thing, that there are either A) about 50 really cool people who thought the same thing I did; to see the movie and make more fun of it than a monkey throwing his crap at a handicapped kid. Or B) there are about 50 really lame people in Davis County with no movie taste.

I mean with a tag line of "Some secrets whisper from the dust, some thunder", how can you go wrong with that comedic gold!? However, I was left to our own devices, so instead of watching a crappy movie about a church topic. I was left to watch a movie about a woman who has teeth in her woman bits. Read about the condition here

This leads me to one conclusion. That I am not provided with ample enough opportunity to do the right thing! I would have rented the crappy churchy movie, but that wasn't available, so I turned to the sin and degradation that is the movie "Teeth". There's an important life lesson there. Unless I'm always in church making fun of the stupid crap that goes on, I'm probably going to be sinning. The one good thing about religion, that is by the grace of the almighty that I'll be saved, and that's the one good thing to take out of it all...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's another UD moment!!! (Cursing Occurs, Probably)

Alright, I broke down and had another Urban Dictionary moment. I found one that related to my post last week, and I think it fits for a lot of movies.

nuke the fridge June 3

A colloquialism used to delineate the precise moment at which a cinematic franchise has crossed over from remote plausibility to self parodying absurdity, usually indicating a low point in the series from which it is unlikely to recover. A reference to one of the opening scenes of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, in which the titular hero manages to avoid death by nuclear explosion by hiding inside a kitchen refrigerator. The film is widely recognised by fans as a major departure from the rest of the series both in terms of content and quality.

Guy 1: "Wow. Did you see the new Indy movie? What the hell was that? It was like I was having some kind of flu induced absurdest nightmare."

Guy 2: "Yep... did or did not that series permanently Nuke the Fridge?"

Guy 1: "Oh, totally Nuked the Fridge! But I guess Spielberg is happy as long as he has the money of the people who trusted him."

Guy 2: "Guess so..."

The reason why I find this appealing has to be completely obvious.

1. nifkin

the space between a guy's ass and his balls; can be used as an insult

"Braden is a nifkin"

I do like the word nifkin to describe this anatomy. Much better than the alternatives...

1. malazzoing

The act of stating useless facts--that only a stalker or creep would know-- to people who often wonder how the hell one would know the information.

John: Dude, why don't we we hit up that one party at that chicks house?

Big Ken: Sure man, but we don't know where she lives.

John: True, but she drives a 87 El camino, she has 2 younger brothers in 3th and 7th grade, and she's ambidextrous.

Big Ken: Dude, you need to stop malazzoing.

There are tons of applications that this will work. In my UD breaks, I've just started hitting the "random" button quite often. This illicits some results that are pretty R rated, but they were freakin hilarious. Again, my bad habit takes the cake...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What I would really want to vote for!

Now, I really don't pay attention to most politics. Personally, I think almost all politicians are just career men who don't really want to do anything for the betterment of the country. Most of them are greedy pond scum who I wouldn't want to watch over my children (if I had any) or any of the kids I know. I'll make an honest admission to you all, what I really want, is social unrest.

This conversation started when some friends and I were actually talking about political stuff. In following what political stuff I do, all the candidates left; Obama, McCain, Clinton, all scare the shit out of me. In Obama, you've got a man who personally believes that America should be persecuted in a way. I mean, the man has had to leave 2 churches for their speech on American policy. That's what happens when you get some of the Baptist view in ya. Most men in his predicament believe that America deserves to be damned, and he's the man to save it.
McCain is just some of the same old, same old. He's a career politician, and has enough special interest and pressure in his life to keep everything the same. Yes, he was a POW. Yes, he has been in the system for 20 + years. There in lies the problem, he's been in the system too much.
Mrs. Clinton, I don't know where to begin. Personally, if she gets elected, I'll fear for my life, well-being and my penis. Most women I know, don't believe that a woman should be in office. The argument I've always heard is that women make emotional decisions and that's not a clear and decise way for a commander in chief.
Overall, I think the whole political system needs a re-haul and that we need to elect people who will change the system. Unfortunately your average American doesn't care. If it's not about American Idol, or reality TV, or Paris Hilton, or Celebrities, they just don't care. The only thing we respond to is over the top expressionism. Things that challenge the American mindset. Unfortunately, that is violence or service disruption. Would it get the American peoples attention if you stopped them from getting Gas for a week or if you interrupted their TV services. It's unfortunate, but we have to resort to the extreme to get a situation handled. So, if we want to get anything done in America. Let's pull people out of the TV relay station and blow it the hell up. That way, maybe someone will give a damn what happens in their country.
Most people weren't aware that I am such an extremist. However, I am rather tired of American complacency. The last time I heard people talk passionately was right after 9/11. It's a sad state of affairs if we keep having to have tragedies befall for people to pay attention to the world around them.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I should start a movie company...

I have decided that I should start a movie company. There are tons of good foreign flicks who don't get imported to America because of distribution. Take this gem that I received info from, thanks Choda! It's a Korean flick called the The Good, The Bad, The Weird.

What makes me sad, is that this movie doesn't have a US distributor, and I really want to see it. Definitely it pays homage to the old Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns of the 60's and 70's. What kid doesn't remember sitting with his Dad or Grandpa watching The Outlaw Josie Whales, or For a Few Dollars More? This is right along with those, except with Asians and kung fu! It's totally the best of BOTH worlds! Plus, it seems like a hella funny movie.

Koreans are getting their stuff together, if I like this movie at all, coupled with the great feelings I have towards The Host. I think that I might actually prefer Korean cinema. This goes to show you a trend over the past couple of years. Farming out work to Korea. Most American and Japanese studios already farm out their coloring work and background work typically to Korea. Some of them are farming out the animation and other things as well. Korea itself is prospering cinematically by this. They are coming out with great plots and directors with real vision, as opposed to most American directors. Now I realize that we're probably dealing with the cream of the crop that pop up in foreign imported cinema. However, you can't think but marvel from some of the directors/producers that make the jump, like Guillermo Del Toro. Most of these guys won't be invited to a Hollywood premiere or get the recognition they deserve, but they are the heart of what film is all about. People who think differently, and don't produce dribble.

So, I'm starting it right now! Does anyone have any extra millions of dollars that I can use to start said company? Start digging in your couches looking for change, because I'll probably be hitting you up for some in the near future. Don't hold out either! Change... CHHAAANNGGG!