Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Worried about life? Try a drugs...

There's all kinds of things that we do brainlessly, especially in our jobs. I've found myself doing things that are robotic at times. So much that I find myself doing random weird things, see the Chuck video for an example.

This represents an inherent problem with our corporate society. We weren't designed to do our random crap in an office. It usually puts us in a bad mood when we see beautiful weather outside that we cannot be a apart of. This causes labor outages, problems with attendance, and overall me telling people to "F@#$ off" when when yelling in his ear. I now have a solution for all the troubles that I might have. Instead of having to look at things like the attached picture (the view from my cubicle), I can have the artists rendition of what my workspace should look like and be much more happy.

Current View

Artists Rendition

This leads me to produce the following conclusions...

A) I should not be stuck in a cubicle...
B) I'm not the kind of guy who's gonna have a crappy job just feed a wife and kids.
C) Do something that you'll enjoy with your life, and make your life worth while.
D) Not everyone is okay with the status quo. It's necessary to break the mold every once and a while... Take that as how ever you want...

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