Wednesday, May 14, 2008

When I was a little kid...


When I was a little kid, I dreamed about doing something good for the world. At this point, there's only one thing the world needs.... Rocket Boots.

Now, I don't mean something lame like shooting bottle rockets out of boots, but something that you can travel with. (Also, FYI - If you've got the pointed man boob action going on, it's best to draw attention away from the nipple area, and not get them pierced.) I was thinking more along the lines of this...

Also, I pictured myself being a Shriner. My young mind conjured a world where in 2015, Shriners and Rocket Boots would rule the world. But, to my dismay, it's 2008 and we have yet to even hear about Rocket Boots being a possibility. What will I have if my childhood dream of powered boot flight is not available? I always have my back up of having my own Submarine, or living in a bunker.

Oh well, I guess that really means that we should get to a certain age and throw away the ideas of our childhood, I guess around 30 is that age. However, going along with my post yesterday, I guess we should all think about what's really important to us. Also, I didn't know how to work it into the article, but while I was doing a flickr search for pictures I found this picture, and it makes me laugh...Hysterically. I don't know why I find it so funny.


I've caught some recent flak, because in my most recent trip to Vegas, I mentioned that after a couple of days, I was kind of home sick. What I should have said, and meant is that Vegas depresses the hell out of me. You go in the Casinos and have fun, sure. However, if you actually go outside and just look at the people on the strip and people in the Casinos, you'll never see a sadder sampling of humanity. The bunch of drunk Indians (feather, not dot) seemed to rank up there as the highest form of depressing entertainment. Have you ever seen a mother, with 2 kids, one fighting drunk and the other the consolation drunk? Because, I now have. Both of which could barely stand.

Now, I don't know about you guys, but if I was ever fighting drunk, My mother would have beat the hell out of me. It's just that simple. This fine young lady was just strolling along with her kids. You combine that scene with overweight 30 year old women, wearing skimpy clothing in some hopes of trying to get a guy for the night, to bolter their self esteem... and it was just, morbid.

I do like Vegas, don't get me wrong. They've got some really kick ass stores there and I love their Quiksilver store with specific Vegas gear. I won enough playing Blackjack and Roulette that it pretty much paid for my fun down there.
Also, there was The Pleasure Pit. For those of you who don't know, the Casinos are starting to get back to some of the risque forms of entertainment they're known for. These girls are pretty much scantily clad, and one step above strippers in pasties. They wear lingerie and dance on platforms. I had a buddy, or two who wanted to go and partake in the scene. I didn't object, but it really was pointless. There was only one girl who was actually seeming to enjoy her work. The rest, looked like they were part of the old gag about unwed mothers with 3 kids trying to pay the bills being a stripper. I mean, if you're gonna be a stripper, you might as well live it up and seem like you're having fun.

I mean, I could see the pain of life wearing on some of these people. Granted, I probably projected my own assertions about their lives and the quality and such, but there really wasn't any way to avoid it. It looked like some very unhappy people, losing themselves in drunken, sex filled nights.

How can humanity, as a whole, be unhappy? You might debate that statement. A lot of people would, but how can you debate that? We blow each other up, and we want and are envious of our neighbors. In American society, we're always keeping up with the Joneses, and wanting to out do our neighbors. We buy watercraft we probably only use once or twice a year, if that. Plus, they run about $8,000. I'm not one to tell someone how to spend their money, but you really should spend money like that on something you'll use everyday. We don't though, we put that as something that makes us "happy".

America is getting to the heights of opulence that Rome, The British Empire, and other major powers have. It won't be soon till we see the fall. We should take a lesson from the greedy people in previous generations and change our outlook on what we can do for the world.

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