Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Strike one, Mr President...

I have a lot of faith in our new president, that said. He's got his first strike. In an article that I read on Reuters. Check out the article here. Basically, our President wants a weapons ban in space. This is a VERY big point for me for one main reason. It's nerdy, but my dream for a satellite based space weapon won't happen while he's in office. No longer will I be able to think of the possibility of seeing remote rebels in a camp and big huge beam ascending from the sky vaporizing all bad guys, a la Akira.

Gone. Gone is my dream of seeing it in the next 4 to 8 years depending on if anyone can change the political landscape to allow it. I have 3 things I want to see get realized before I die. One, a particle beam satellite. Two, a big effing robot that can make all hell break loose. Three, the flying car. So, sorry Mr. Obama I've gotta mark some points down on your scale.

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