Thursday, January 8, 2009

One thing that has to stop...

I haven't posted anything in a while, sorry! With the combination of the holidays and I've been feeling a little under the weather...
Recently, while perusing through Facebook, because I was absolutely bored at work, I came across something. It's something that honestly bothers me. Bothers me to no end. There's a certain kind of people. We all have these kinds of people we know. It's those people who say that they're a "fan of all kinds of music". Which just is not possible. I could find some music that you absolutely will not enjoy. If you think you are one of these people and find yourself saying "I like everything" in response to favorite music questions. Answer it this way, "I like popular music". That pretty much defines you as liking top 40's. Or possibly, "I like pop music" so we can define you as a genre. Better yet, get a favorite band. Favorite bands are like Ice Cream. You've always got a favorite, and that can change over time, and that's okay.
Saying "I like everything" in regards to music tells me a couple of things about a person:
A) They're a complete conformist personality.
B) They don't give it much thought, or care.
C) They live in a complete bubble, and don't expand at all.
D) So, closed off that they don't want to give you an actual opinion.
It can be one or several of these these things. All of which are very bad personality traits, in my opinion. Take one of my experiences from my very short stint of active dating. While getting to know someone, when trying to find out their interests, the music question is one that's kind of important. The kind of music you like defines you as an individual a lot of times, and while we try and be unique the kind of music one likes tends to define them. Take myself and my musical tastes.
I like some Industrial and Punk. Industrial basically has a to hell with the system attitude, much like Punk has, but conveys a level of apathy. Punk has the same to hell with the system kind of attitude, but goes in a punch you in the mouth sort of way. Those echo quite a bit of things about my personality. It's the same with most other kinds of musical preferences. When applying this to relationships, Someone who is a to hell with the system kind of guy, really won't mesh well with a "I like musicals" kind of person.
So, for all that's holy, let's stop with the "I like all music" kinds of attitude. It's not healthy, and not very descriptive about yourself. If you need some Facebook examples. Let me know, I can point out some real gems!


Choda said...

Coach I am kinda confused about this post. Are you saying that someone has to define themselves as a person that likes a certain genre of music or can you like several? Because I am the kind of guy who likes all music regardless of the genre. If the song sounds good to me I like it. Plus I have a bone to pick with you about "punk music". A synopsis of our conversation we will have on this subject is that if you think it is punk it is probably pop.

Jeff S. said...

I agree with this blog in that if you say that you like a lot of different music, you are kinda lame. You should try and be a little more descriptive of what your tastes are. Even though Choda likes a lot of different kind of music, are you going to say "I like everything" in response to that question? Or if someone asks what your favorite food is, would you say "I like every kind of food" even if it is true? That is one of the biggest turnoffs for me when dating--vanilla, boring, non-descriptive, girls.

I also agree with Choda about punk music. Every "punk" is saying "to hell with the system" insomuch that it is very mainstream to be "punk" and against the system. It has become so mainstream that it is, in a sense, pop.