Wednesday, January 28, 2009

In one word, Ungrateful!

Recently, I've been told that reading the news is the only approve form of recreation that I can have at work. So, I've been reading a lot of articles on Reuters. I don't pay much attention to the celebs, politics, or the like. I DO mostly read international news. Here's the hubbub now. I hate India. I detest the country with almost every ounce of being I've got. I don't mind Indian food. I don't even mind and like some of their philosophies. However, I hate the Indian people. I talk to them almost daily. Several tech jobs are outsourced to them. You can't understand them, and because they're getting a little of the worlds money, they think they can run it. Take this case in point.

- Mumbai "Slumdog" critic names dogs after film makers.
- Is 'Slumdog Millionaire' poverty porn.

I've discovered that this is one of a couple of things coming out in India. Apparently, some of the Indian people are upset of how they are being portrayed. Now, I liked Slumdog Millionaire. I thought it was great story telling, and great movie. Now, I hate it. I hate it because it was a waste of one of the great directors, Danny Boyle, to make it about the Indian people. He took a film, and used great storytelling to shed light on an issue in India. About the crippling poverty there, and people are complaining. What a waste of Danny Boyle's talent.
From what I've read there are going to be protests if the movie wins the Oscars. They're demanding name changes, etc. How unfortunate for the poor Slumdog...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Strike one, Mr President...

I have a lot of faith in our new president, that said. He's got his first strike. In an article that I read on Reuters. Check out the article here. Basically, our President wants a weapons ban in space. This is a VERY big point for me for one main reason. It's nerdy, but my dream for a satellite based space weapon won't happen while he's in office. No longer will I be able to think of the possibility of seeing remote rebels in a camp and big huge beam ascending from the sky vaporizing all bad guys, a la Akira.

Gone. Gone is my dream of seeing it in the next 4 to 8 years depending on if anyone can change the political landscape to allow it. I have 3 things I want to see get realized before I die. One, a particle beam satellite. Two, a big effing robot that can make all hell break loose. Three, the flying car. So, sorry Mr. Obama I've gotta mark some points down on your scale.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Forwards, the downfall of society....

I cannot tell you how much I hate the internet forward. They're really pointless once you dissect them. I've been getting these in abundance from my Father. He's magically been using computers for the last 3 years, more and more. In his technological savvy state, he's hitting forward on everything my aunts send him. Sometimes, I want to ask him, "Do you really believe most of this crap?" Here's a couple of the ones I got over the last few days:

To make you smile!

Revenge is sweet

Golf for Beginners

A Jolly Good Recovery

How men screw up romance

Pass this along to those
That need a little laugh

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


This Email message, and any attachments, may contain confidential
patient health information that is legally protected. This information
is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above.
The authorized recipient of this information is prohibited from disclosing
this information to any other party unless required to do so by&n bsp;law
or regulation and is required to destroy the information after its stated
need has been fulfilled. If you are not the intended recipient, you are
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taken in reliance on the contents of this message is strictly prohibited.

If you have received this information in error, please notify
the sender immediately by replying to this message and delete the
message from your system.

This is the kind of stuff I've been getting from him. The reason why they're so useless is the same reason, that you're probably reading this blog. See with advent of the web, the written word has no credibility or point anymore. Any slack jawed yokel, can write something to print, and everything in print is no longer fact.

I remember getting some of these e-mails and one of them indicated that the decline of the US was because that our leaders don't pray, or some crap like that. While, I do with that if someone was inclined to religious belief, I'd hope they pray. That in no way has anything to do with the decline that the US is currently facing.

I still have problems using Wikipedia as a reference as well anything on the web. The web is just one big hype machine. You use it to get your point across whether it's correct or not. Most of the data is easily manipulated, and can be changed. There are several cases where something was miss-printed on the web, and the company changed it when legal action came about. Many of these cases wouldn't have any evidence if it wasn't for PC's and google caching information on the sites you visit.
Second of all, The reason these e-mails are composed are to either A) Entertain or B) Try and enlighten. Let's say that I have a liberal view of gay marriage. Someone sends me an e-mail highlighting why gay marriage is wrong. What am I going to say, "Wow! You're right country bumpkin Joe! I am completely wrong and I'm going to change my life!" No, no person in their right mind would ever do that, and it's stupid to think that people would do that. So, what's the friggin' point of your damn emails! I get these things all with different points to them. From Sexual Orientation advice/bashing, to what kind of car to buy.

So, in other words, they're all just spam waiting to be deleted. Let's just stop the forwards people!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

One thing that has to stop...

I haven't posted anything in a while, sorry! With the combination of the holidays and I've been feeling a little under the weather...
Recently, while perusing through Facebook, because I was absolutely bored at work, I came across something. It's something that honestly bothers me. Bothers me to no end. There's a certain kind of people. We all have these kinds of people we know. It's those people who say that they're a "fan of all kinds of music". Which just is not possible. I could find some music that you absolutely will not enjoy. If you think you are one of these people and find yourself saying "I like everything" in response to favorite music questions. Answer it this way, "I like popular music". That pretty much defines you as liking top 40's. Or possibly, "I like pop music" so we can define you as a genre. Better yet, get a favorite band. Favorite bands are like Ice Cream. You've always got a favorite, and that can change over time, and that's okay.
Saying "I like everything" in regards to music tells me a couple of things about a person:
A) They're a complete conformist personality.
B) They don't give it much thought, or care.
C) They live in a complete bubble, and don't expand at all.
D) So, closed off that they don't want to give you an actual opinion.
It can be one or several of these these things. All of which are very bad personality traits, in my opinion. Take one of my experiences from my very short stint of active dating. While getting to know someone, when trying to find out their interests, the music question is one that's kind of important. The kind of music you like defines you as an individual a lot of times, and while we try and be unique the kind of music one likes tends to define them. Take myself and my musical tastes.
I like some Industrial and Punk. Industrial basically has a to hell with the system attitude, much like Punk has, but conveys a level of apathy. Punk has the same to hell with the system kind of attitude, but goes in a punch you in the mouth sort of way. Those echo quite a bit of things about my personality. It's the same with most other kinds of musical preferences. When applying this to relationships, Someone who is a to hell with the system kind of guy, really won't mesh well with a "I like musicals" kind of person.
So, for all that's holy, let's stop with the "I like all music" kinds of attitude. It's not healthy, and not very descriptive about yourself. If you need some Facebook examples. Let me know, I can point out some real gems!