Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Possibly the best show on Television...

Today's article is dedicated to one of my favorite TV shows...

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

Now, there are many reasons why I like this show. First of all, it goes with my sense of humor entirely. It's about 4 friends and their quirky nature, and they all make fun of one another. Each of these said characters has their own things that they don't like. The following is a bit from one of the funniest shows that I saw. It was also one of the first episodes that I laughed my ass off from. The gang finds a dead guy in the bar, and the following takes place...

It airs on FX and they do a short Season that only lasts the fall months. We are entering the 4th Season. Now, you might ask why I'm writing about it and it's simple. I just found out that the 3rd season is getting released on DVD on Sept 9 with brand new episodes starting Sept 11. The show itself doesn't hold many things sacred and nothing is off limits. There's no crappy relationship drama that you find in many sitcoms these days (i.e. The Office, Desperate House Sluts, etc). There has only been one or two relationships in the series, and the one that comes to mind is an episode where Dee (the female of the crew) is dating an up and coming rapper named Lil' Kevin.
Upon announcing to her group of friends that she's dating this guy, her brother Dennis comes back and says "I knew that guy, and he's retarded". The whole episode consists of Dee trying to prove to herself that he's not retarded, which eventually fails and then Dee is left with having no relationship at all.
The second clip is from the same episode. Dee feels really bad about not visiting her grandfather, but she can't go alone because she is afraid of old people. She enlists the help of her friend Charlie to go with her, but during the visit Dee's grandfather mistakes Charley for Dee's brother Dennis.

Overall, this is one of the most hilarious shows on TV. I plan on doing a review of the 3rd Season on Sept 9th. Anyone who wants to join us, feel free!

1 comment:

Jeff S. said...

Dude you're forgetting the relationship/drama between Mac and the Tranny.

Gross, dude....gross...