Monday, March 30, 2009

I guess some things need clarifying...

Apparently, I've been told that some of my family that reads my comments have miss-understood my earlier post. The overall tone of my article is as it relates to me, and no one else. Let me clarify. I, in no way shape or form called anyone a bigot, by name. The overall message was lost, and I got many voices of concern stated.
The behavior of commenting on women, or their attractiveness, is not something that I do. I don't really understand it. A person, is a person, is a person. I don't go out of my way to look at them, and I don't give it any thought to it.
The overall article is commentary on how the previous generation is, and how it relates to the next, and how I might be missing that context or am losing humanity in that regard.
Have I caught my family saying some colorful and what I would term as racist remark. I won't lie and say that it hasn't happened. I am in no way naming people here, or giving specific examples. It's just a principal and context of that generation. It's the way people were raised back then. One that I can't agree with.
I apologize if anyone took offense or felt that they were slighted or named or made fun of. That was not my intent. My sole purpose was to mention how I just do not understand the previous generation, and had to voice it.
The purpose of a blog, is that it's a running update. A place that someone can give their views, or news, or post something topically. Some people just view it as a way to post family news, or things that don't really start conversation, which is what I am not about. I'm not about the frills, with the exception of movies, that's my one vice. I do not converse with everyone on a day to day basis, nor would you probably WANT me to.
Again, my apologies to any family that might be reading this blog. This is how I see the world, and I won't say that you and I, or others would see the same thing. There wasn't anything in the slightest bit of hatred. I do love all the characters in my family, and they're a colorful sort. I just don't understand them most of the time.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Losing what's most important in life.

I haven't posted anything recently, but I've recently was on a trip. I spent the last half a week in Boise watching the NCAA tournament first and second rounds. I was with my father, and 2 uncles. During the whole weekend, I was with several 50 and older men. The days were spent, making calls to wives every three hours, but they didn't seem to talk about anything. There were times at the games, that some comments were made about cheerleaders. Binoculars were pulled and used. The raw lust for girls that were 30 plus years younger than they were, was disguised under the musings of "appreciating their beauty". The whole weekend kind of sickened me, in many ways. It was at this point that I discovered something very un-nerving. That I am losing what humanity that I have left in me.

Do you appreciate her as human being?

After many of the school shootings that occurred in the late 90's and early 00's, a young woman proclaimed that she didn't understand why or how people could do such a thing. I tried to inform her that in her Gap buying, talking on a her cell phone about the latest gossip, and American Idol watching life; utterly sickened them to the point that they couldn't take it anymore. She gasped, and I knew the notion was still wasted on her. It was something that she won't ever understand.
These were the men that raised most of my generation, and here they were 50+ and hanging on every word their wives said but at the same time were some of the most ignorant people I've ever seen. Every comment that spewed out of their mouths was one of bigotry and hatred, and how they were slighted. Is this what awaits me for old age? Is this how all older people are? How many other people see this?
After all was said and done, I had fun watching the games. However, much of what I saw displayed sickened me. This left me thinking all weekend, is this what awaits me if I progress to what humanity says is necessary? I then I remember, it's about what humanity does that is so unexpected that I like it so much. Such small things like a friend telling me that he's gonna have some kids. Seeing people sacrifice, what little they have to help others. I myself may not have much humanity left in me, but maybe that's what left for me. To chronicle the good things that humanity does. I still recognize that at least. I guess that's the lesson to be learned, don't lose sight of the things that make humanity great, it's nature.