Friday, February 20, 2009

The greatest sports person of all time...

Okay, this will probably be the one and only time you hear me give respect to someone. However, the greatest sports person of all time, or at least recently is.... Pat Summitt. For those of you who don't know, Pat Summitt is the head Coach of the Tennessee basketball Lady Vols.

I've made my position on women's sports usually pretty clear. I've never like women's basketball. However, you cannot deny Pat Summitt's intensity. She just barely passed the 1000th career win mark, and she is only lead by John Wooden in the numbers of national championships.
It might just be the hype, but I like Pat Summitt. I met her once while working a mall gig a few years ago. It's been said that she's on the most personable yet intense people in sports, and from the few moments I met her (which was only a couple of sentences of conversation), I would have to agree.
Plus, she's just a tough old bird. Yes, I think that giving any woman over the age of 45, the title of "tough old bird" is the ultimate compliment. At her home, she had some sort of varmint (Possum, Raccoon, etc) came into her home and she beat it away with a broom. How many women do you know that would beat a Raccoon away with broom!?
She started her coaching gig at the age of 22. She was coaching players that were only 1 year younger than she was. Ultimately she's a classy lady, and I watch almost every interview that I can with her. I think that she is pretty much on of the ultimate sports people of all time. Here's my salute to you Pat Summitt!

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