Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Stop the insanity!

I’m throwing this out there right now. The word, BOYCOTT. While perusing through my daily view of Reuters, I came across an article talking about royalty remakes and franchises. Check out the article here. Now, it doesn’t tell us something that we already don’t know. However, what’s good about it is the way some producers are actually commenting on it, and the quotes.

After reading this business model outlook from the producers of these movies, I’ve decided that I will have a ground rule set out. I will not watch any more sequels or remakes unless a name brand director is attached to it. Otherwise, it’s gonna wait till video. It’s not retro-active though. I will see the 2nd Transformers movie, and maybe the 3rd depending on who’s attached as writer and director. Also, any subsequent Batman sequels with the Nolan’s involvement on get a free pass. However, if any of these movies change either writers or directors, I probably won’t see them in the theaters. I also will probably not see GI Joe in the theaters as well.

My ultimate favorites are these quoted projects:

“Neil Moritz, who produced "Furious," is developing a new version of the 1990 sci-fi hit "Total Recall" as well as relaunching "XXX," which first hit the screen just seven years ago. "Lara Croft" is getting a new treatment from Dan Lin and Warner Bros. just eight years after the Angelina Jolie original. Fox already is eyeing a relaunch of its "Fantastic Four" franchise; the two entries were hits just a few years ago. And at the recent ShoWest exhibitors' conference, Sony said it will bring back "Men in Black" for another escapade.”

So, they’re going to relaunch movies that are just as fine now as when they were first made? Huh. Now, we know why our economy is crumbling. Money crunchers and accountants have no creativity what so ever. Instead they like investments they speak as sure fire. In their opinion, why should we re-invent the wheel? We really need to take a stand so that they know they can’t put one over on us Americans.

Why the hell would anyone remake XXX? That was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Plus, it has a dose of Vin Diesel crying. Vin Diesel should be ashamed of being in that movie. I’m ashamed for seeing it in the theater because a buddy of mine “just likes action movies”. Plus, I think Rob Cohen is now the devil. He's had a hand in almost every movie that I hate.

It’s time to boycott the relaunch movement. Who’s on board with me?

1 comment:

Choda said...

Why dont we just boycott stupid movies. Who cares if they are remakes. Watch a trailer make an educated guess and I bet we can eliminate most crappy movies.