Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What brings light to the imagination?

Most of the people I know, indicate that they just can't get into the show Fringe. The story is really simple, but in typical JJ Abrams fashion, is a series that poses questions that the answers to those questions are answered several episodes later, while new ones are posed. The thing I like about this series is the researching behind it. There are some very deep pseudo-science theories in life, the show implements in it's plot.
These concepts get my mind spinning in many different ways. The one I've been focusing on recently is the concept of group mind, and group unconsciousness. These concepts are that human beings, in their individuality, are composed as and have group thoughts. This is something that has been on the for-front of many people, but not something science can really prove beyond a shadow of doubt.
Most people belong to two different camps when discussing unexplained events, either scientific or religious camps. Most unexplained things are written off as religious, or if science can't explain it, it simply didn't happen. This is a human condition that I don't fully understand, i.e. Group Mind and Group Consciousness. Take, for example, cases of anthropology. We have uncovered evidence of early man using cutting tools in Africa and in Malaysia. The fossil record indicates that Homo Habilis evolved in Africa, but in Malaysia Homo Floresiensis evolved half the world away, but came up with the same concepts of tools. How can two different forms of early man, come up with the same tool concepts? This has given rise and caused scientists to re-formulate how we view early man and how humans came to being. This is where Group Mind and Group Consciousness come into play.
This is all more evident when you talk about the early origins of Algebra. Indian, Greek, and Chinese all came up with primitive origins of the math. All these cultures didn't have any scientific sharing or any way to share these revolutionary concepts, but they all seemed to evolve at the same time.
This is where Group Mind and Group Think come into play. There are some evaluational concepts that are just present in the human mind. Many people can explain this phenomenon by resorting to religion or other alternative lifestyle concepts. There is nothing that can truly explain it though. This is just one of the mysteries of life that always fascinate me and cause me to wonder, what will be the next step for us as humans. What overall thoughts and concepts will we come up with next? What will God or whatever you believe in, want us to overcome next? These are the things that cause my mind to keep me awake for hours on end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I for one, like Fringe. I am not a sci-fi fan, so it must be that I like the idea of a chick kicking so much "a" in a show...
So what if this "Group Thought" idea really stems from the idea that we are all governed by universal "laws". Take the "Golden Mean" for example. The theory says that all biological beings are based upon a certain proportion (1:1.61803399) or a deviation of it. Look it up, it fascinates me. The Greeks called it the "Perfect" proportion which they based all their sculptures and paintings off of. The Egyptians created whole pyramids off of it. And the Mayans, well don't get me started on them.
If all living things are based upon this proportion than all scientific/religious rules are also (in theory) based upon the same proportion. Man from one end of the continent to the other came to discover this ratio over time, generally leading them to gain other universal truths. Physics, Geometry, Biology....Art began (in theory) from this simple yet ultra complicated system and thus our world has evolved. Some believe (as I do) that God came up with this idea, and created us in his image, and then let humans evolve using this "connection" into gaining more knowledge and truth based upon basic eternal principles. So this theory of "Group Thinking" isn't so far off if you think about it. We are all genetically predisposed to discover the same eternal truth. And plus, doesn't it make since that we are all "in theory" supposed to become "as one". Interesting.
Great now you got me off on a tirade and into thinking to much again....
Thanks T for always bringing up mind turning topics.